Modding Barebones Fantasy

This is kind of against what BBF is all about, but I want more. I want the OSR monsters and magic items, more classes, more choices, and the skill specializations out of Frontier Space.

And I know the answer to all this.

Do it yourself!

Nothing is really that hard to port in, and most magic items are fine with how they are. For weapons, give them a +10% chance to hit bonus and a +2 damage per "plus one" out of an OSR game, and for armor, raise the DR by +2 per "plus one" of OSR protection, and you are likely all set. All of the miscellaneous magic items convert in as-is. Items that give ability score bonuses should give a +10 bonus per item level, and remember to give all items drawbacks like in the BBF item design guidelines.

Some people hate these "ad hoc" conversions, but honestly this is likely how D&D (and most roleplaying games) are and were designed. Also, not every orc in every world is the same - you will have weak ones and others who work out, or maybe those who have seen a few hundred battles and are tougher than most.

You don't need a "hole in one" for every design, nor do you want them since you will discover exciting things through mistakes that will change your mind.

This is my quandary. I want a game with huge lists. But games with huge lists ultimately limit your imagination and never last. What you gain from having it all means you will use none of it, or very little.

Monsters are different, and you could go by the guidelines in BBF. I'd give them a "skill" based on 50%, add 5% per hit die, and modify up or down based on aggressiveness. The body score would be 5, 10, or 20 per hit die, depending on the minion, warrior, or boss creature. Special attacks and defenses would be on the creature's skill. Rate armor off of similar armor values in the game.

Spellcasting classes could be unique "caster" skills and use the same spell list but flavor them. Pick four special abilities the caster skill can do off of class abilities. A warlock may be able to create magic circles, commune with demons, shadow step, and read infernal runes. Just pick the best four you can think of, and remember, only some bards or warlocks are trained the same. If your next one is designed slightly differently, so what? Your second and third designs will be better anyway.

Ultimate Barebones Fantasy is what you want it to be, honestly. Whatever OSR books you pull from, and however you convert, will be your "ultimate" game.
